Went out to Paul's Place today with brader Syed Perut,Mat Arep,Bro Shaq and Brader Biwlly.There was suppose to be a garage sale for music stuffs.And coincidently i want to sell off one of my guitar effects.It was quite a last minute plan for me.I posted on my YM status that i want to sell of my effect when suddenly Mas Amri suggested to me to go to Paul's Place with the others.So I called the others and told them "AKU NAK IKUT"!!So I started my car and raced off to Buriburi to meet with the others.
Sampai je Paul's,it was not at all how i imagined it to be.Sedih je rase.Langsung tak jadi nk jual effect kt situ coz mcm takde org and ade bukak booth pn skit je.So lepak la kedai mamak.Bro Shaq dpt kuah kari ayam celup jari mamak.hahaha.Lpas tu tak tahu la plak ape nk buat.Nak balik rase rugi plak.So alang2 dh kluar kiteorg pn gi la jln2.Syed pn nk cari gita so kami pn bergegas ke Kuala Lumpur mencari kedai gita.
Aih.Dh jauh berjalan sume kedai gita plak tutup.So alang2 boring kitorg pn kacau la sume org yg sedang berjalan.Bukak tingkap jerit kuat2 kacau awek.Gler MatKer!! (versi rempit of para pemandu kereta).Lambai org kt bus stop la ape la.hahahha stupik sungguh.Lpas letih berpusing2 di Kuala Lumpur lepak umah Syed jap.Skali ade plak preview match Man Utd vs Liverpool where Man Utd lost 4-1!Huargh!!!Sedih sungguh.Mmg this weekend is not a very good weekend for me.
Oh lots of things to do this week.Exams and all.Nasib baik next week cuti!!yatta!!!Harap2 ade la project2 best bersama rakan2 pada cuti ini.And Sunburst is only a few days away!!